James Comey and the White House

James Comey and the White House


It is reported that former FBI director James Comey, was asked by President Trump to drop the investigation in former National Security advisor Michael Flynn.  According to a memo, which is alleged to be written, by the former director, is that was in meeting with President Trump, Vice-President Pence, and Attorney General Sessions.  Both Mr. Pence and Mr. Sessions was asked to leave the room.  The memo alleged that the president said to him “I hope you can let this go.”

We know that Mr. Comey was asked for his loyalty from the president; then, he was fired on May 4, 2017; and now this alleged memo.  How will this affect the Trump White House?  We may not know the answer to that question at this time.  What we do know is the congress is stunned.  We expect the democrats to speak out, but now, there are others asking the White House to be forthcoming and transparent. To go a step further, some Democrats called the dismissal of the former FBI director “Nixonian” where they compared  it to the Saturday Night Massacre, where then President Nixon fired the special prosecutor in 1973.

Editor-in-Chief of the Washington Free Beacon Matthew Continetti states “Trump White House must be fully transparent on Russian meetings.”  And what is this “W” word the used be a high ranking republican?  Republican Senator John McCain reports “Its reaching Watergate size and scale.”  Senator McCain is one of a handful of republicans who is calling for an independent investigation of the Russian affairs.











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